#shawleveryday2019 Day 94


I've got one more shawl/post to do, but first I'd like to do a little wrap-up of my #shawleveryday2019 project. When I started out, I had no idea if I could write about mental health every day for 90+ days, but I did it. I learned a ton of things and I'm so glad that I got to share all this information with you. I hope you were able to gain some knowledge and reflect on your own mental health along the way.

Here are some of my favorite posts:

​And here are some of my favorite shawls:

I've updated my Mental Health Resources page with almost all of the links from my posts, and if you have any questions or just need to talk, feel free to message me via social media or via email. Lastly, one more reminder that I am raising money for Independence Center, so please consider donating to my campaign or purchasing a shawl.

Details about this shawl
Wavedeck shawl pattern


#shawleveryday2019 Day 95


#shawleveryday2019 Day 93