Five For Friday 3/12/21

Daily Mindful Lettering


I saw this Daily Mindful Lettering book from Hand Lettered Design as an ad on Facebook, and bought it on a whim. I’ve dabbled in some hand lettering in the past, and at the very least, I love me some good typography. What caught my eye is that each day has its own mantra and by writing it multiple times really helps you believe it.

One of the practice words was “breathe” and oh man, it was hard. I was focusing so much on making the word look perfect and I found myself with my shoulders up and hand tight and putting so much pressure on myself. Forcing myself to really think about the word itself helped me relax my shoulders and let the letters flow rather than worrying about them being “perfect.”

This book is just as much a form of therapy in addition to giving you practice hand lettering. It came with 2 pens and I decided to buy tracing paper rather than lettering in the book directly, although you could easily do that if you wanted.

Daily journaling is a technique often suggested by therapists for good reasons. Writing something down helps get things out of your head and onto the world via paper. Writing has a physical aspect to it that connects your thoughts and your body while you are writing. It can be hard to know what to write down, so the prompts of this book are really helpful to get you into a space where you are thinking about your thoughts and applying the mantras to yourself.

Sandhill Sling Sew-along Complete!

I freaking love this bag. It was fun to make and the end product is exactly what I envisioned in my head. So happy to have been a part of the sew-along and make a great new bag!

Crochet Café Diner Set


One set of friends is putting together a little play diner for their 2 daughters, so of course I had to make some play food from Crochet Café. The set includes 2 buns (one with a face, and one without), 4 burger patties, 3 slices of cheese, 2 slices of bacon, one each of lettuce, onion, tomato, and fried egg, fries, 2 drinks, and a cupcake. They were so fun to make and can’t wait for the girls to get enjoy them.

Wash Me/Wear Me Bag


A long while back, I signed up for a bag making club taught by Vanessa aka the Crafty Gemini. I’m finally getting around to working on them, and the first one up is a “Wash Me/Wear Me” bag for when you are traveling to separate which of your undies are ready to wear or ready to wash. It’s a really simple design, but super useful. I’ve got my fabric and notions picked out (you may notice a theme in my preferred colors!), so planning to start in the next few days.

The Greatest Biscuit Recipe

It's finally time to release our version of The Greatest Biscuit as a result of all the baking, testing, and discussions as part of The Great Biscuit Bake Off.

I encourage everyone to try the recipe and let me know your results! Also looking for any feedback on the recipe itself. Are there parts that are unclear? Is it too wordy/not wordy enough? What would make it better?

The Great Biscuit Bake Off turned out to be such a fun challenge and a huge thanks to everyone who participated!

Click or tap the image to download the PDF version.


Five For Friday 3/19/21


Five For Friday 3/5/21