Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 49 - Process vs Product

In making, there are often 2 schools of thought: Are you a “process maker” or are you a “product maker”? A process maker is more likely to enjoy the act of making and the “doing” of the thing, while a product maker is more interesting in having the thing at the end. Both are totally valid approaches, just different ways of looking at it.

I tend to consider myself a “process maker.” I make things because I like making things, not because I am necessarily looking for a particular end product. I make things that I think are interesting or use a new skill or solve a problem in a clever way. If at the end, the thing ends up not very useful, that’s fine, it was fun along the way.

I use knitting as a thing to do with my hands while I am watching YouTube, not always because I want a specific hat or object. It’s also one of the reasons I like making weird commissions. It’s more about solving the problem and figuring out how to make the weird request instead of just having a thing.

If you are a maker, how do you approach making?

Cowl pattern is Valin by Marlene Berghout


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 50 - Whole Circle Studio


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 48 - Community