Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 41 - Growing up making

I have been a maker for a long time. I learned to knit when I was 12 and I made my first quilt when I was 16. Throughout my childhood, my mom always made sure there was always a new craft or skill to learn. We did origami, we played with K’Nex, there were Perler beads, we did loom weaving, we made friendship bracelets, we tried calligraphy, I made accessories for my American Girl dolls. And there was so much hot glue.

Being exposed to a lot of different crafts has really shaped me into the maker I am today. I can tackle nearly any project with the broad skillset I’ve developed over the years. I was always encouraged to try something new and it gave me the confidence to try new things even today. Two-color brioche knitting? Never done anything like it before, but it can’t be that hard. Sewing with vinyl fabric? Sure, why not. Hey, can you make <insert weird thing here>? Well, probably!

Cowl pattern is Millwater by Beth Kling


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 42 - Finishing quilt binding


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 40 - Gingersnapped Candles