Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 28 - Pins or clips?

Traditionally in sewing, pins are used to hold pieces together temporarily before they are sewn together. Nowadays, clips are gaining in popularity as an alternative to pins. Both are great and each have their advantages and disadvantages.

Pins can be sewn over and left in the work until the sewing is complete, whereas clips have to be removed before you sew that section. Clips obviously don’t have anything sharp that could poke you and they also don’t leave holes in your fabric. Pins can be more accurate than clips, especially when you need to match your seams or join specific points up in foundation paper piecing. Clips only really work best on the edges of a fabric, where a pin you can put anywhere. Pins can be hard to use on thicker fabrics like fleece. Pins are cheap and take up less space.

I have both in my studio and use the one that is better suited for the task. Pictured are Clover Wonder Clips and Iris superfine pins. Do you have a preference for pins vs clips?

Cowl pattern is Aurora Polaris Cowl by Lou Lachance.


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 29 - Urban Owl


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 27 - Yarn Weights