Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 11 - Learning to sew

My hair stylist asked me last night when/how I learned to sew, and I had to think about it for awhile. I’m actually not really sure.

My grandma had a sewing machine in her bedroom that she used a lot, mostly to make clothes. My mom also used it a lot to make doll clothes and Halloween costumes. I don’t recall specifically either of them teaching me how to sew, but I’m sure they did.

This was long before YouTube was a thing, so I had to have been taught in person. There was no “home ec” style classes at either my grade school or high school. There may have been a class at the library, but I don’t recall. I’m sure I also read a lot of books about sewing and learned from patterns like McCall’s and Simplicity.

I did a lot of hand sewing, making clothes for my American Girl dolls. I made my first quilt in April 2001 when I was 16. I bought my first sewing machine at Walmart in college.

I’ve since made over 60 quilts, over 30 bags and pouches, at least 10 costumes, 9 pillows, and countless other things like baskets, covers, placemats, car seat blankets, cases, you name it.

Shawl pattern is Mimi Shawl by Mari Chiba. It was originally made for my mom, because her grandkids called her Mimi, and I think of her every time I wear it.


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 12 - Buying tools


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 10 - Sarah Ruiz