MHM 2022 - Suicide and Firearms

Firearms and suicide are extremely linked. 51% of all suicides in the U.S. are by firearms and 60% of all firearm deaths are suicides. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention identifies firearms as one of their top critical areas to save the most lives in the shortest amount of time.

Suicide prevention education needs to be a part of firearm ownership. People who own firearms or live in a house that has firearms should know the signs of suicide. Additionally, firearms should be stored safely with limited ability to access them by the person who might be at risk. Most people in a suicidal crisis who do not have access to a lethal suicide method will not seek out another method to kill themselves. This buys time for the crisis to pass and the person to get the support they need.

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Additional resources:


MHM 2022 - Mental health language


MHM 2022 - Cognitive Distortions: “Should” Thinking