MHM 2022 - Psych meds

Taking medication for your mental health concern doesn’t have to be scary. It doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It doesn’t mean that you “have it real bad.” Medication is just another tool in your toolbox to help your mental health.

If you hurt your knee, for example, there might be times when just stretching will help. But other times, you might need some ibuprofen. No one is going to think less of you for taking ibuprofen for knee pain, so it should be the same for mental health medication. Sometimes all you need is a little boost to get you through.

When talking to people who have taken mental health medication for the first time, I can tell how much it has helped them. They say things like “wow, this is what it feels like to be normal” and “I wish I would have tried this sooner.” It’s definitely okay to take medication and it shouldn’t be seen as a last resort.

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