Five For Friday 2/12/21

This is the first post in my new series called Five For Friday, where every Friday I share 5 things that I think are interesting or things that are going on in the Loops of Gray world. It’s going to cover a variety of topics including knitting, quilting, crochet, design, mental health, food, and probably a good dose of hockey as well. Hope you check out some of the things and let me know what you think!

Crochet Café


I got the crochet book Crochet Café by Lauren Espy for Christmas and it is just too cute, Everything is adorable and I want to make everything! I’ve already done a pancake, bacon, and a burrito. Falafel pita is currently in progress!

The Great Biscuit Bake Off

In my quest for a better biscuit for biscuits and gravy, I sourced several recipes from my friends and trusted cooks and started The Great Biscuit Bake Off. To participate, sign up here and the score sheet and recipes are here. Make as many recipes as you want, use the score sheet to rate the results, and provide your feedback to me by Feb 21st. I plan to make all of the recipes, but the more people who participate the better! Hopefully we’ll find the best recipe!

Sandhill Sling Sew-along


Anna Graham over at Noodlehead is hosting a sew-along of one of her bag patterns, the Sandhill Sling. I had already planned on making one, so it was perfect timing! All my fabric and notions have come in, and can’t wait to get started next week.

Sliding Scale Mental Health Providers in St. Louis

It’s been a rough year to say the least. And it’s okay to not be okay. And it’s okay to get help. But a lot of mental health providers are expensive or don’t take insurance, which can be a major barrier. In St. Louis, there are several providers that operate on a sliding-scale basis, which means that you only pay what you can afford. Here are the ones I know of, but let me know if I’ve left any off the list.

Continuous Bias Tape

I made all my own bias tape rather than buying it premade. Yes, it’s more time consuming, but it’s cheaper and there are waaay more options since you can buy whatever fabric you want. I have been using this tutorial by The Dread Pirate Rodgers for years and years and it works every time. She goes into the math and geometry behind it and it’s super cool.


Five For Friday 2/19/21


Combination Taco Bell/Pizza Hut Ornament